• 100% Natural – Drug Free – Painless – No Side Affects – Non-Addictive – FSA & HSA Eligible


Focused on not only providing pain relief to those suffering from acute and/or chronic pain, but more importantly, alleviating pain for good through natural means. The founders of Pain Alleviation Technology (PAT) are focused on bringing pain alleviation solutions to market that are not designed for life long reoccurring treatments and reoccurring revenue streams; however, our technology is designed to restore your health so you can get back to enjoying life again

With that in mind, it’s no wonder PAT is different from other forms of pain treatments on the market - PAT:

  1. Treats pain naturally by mimicking your body’s natural electro current;
  2. Treats the source versus the whole body like drugs;
  3. Restores the area to normalcy allowing your body to take back control of the affected area. Although, in order to keep PAT affordable, clinical testing hasn’t been performed to support this. However, stats accumulated during R&D and usability studies lean toward this being the case.
PAT was developed back in the mid 80’s. Initial research and development was focused on accelerating post-surgery recovery. It was during this process the researchers discovered the technology helped in relieving joint pain. Unfortunately, back in those days, the combination of electro stimulation not being very well understood, coupled with the cost of production rendered PAT cost prohibitive for a majority of the population. At the time, muscle stimulus required a prescription and had to be administered by a trained physician. Fast forward a couple of decades, the original founders investigated reintroducing PAT to the market place. Advances in technology and a better understanding of electro stimulation…no longer requiring a prescription, nor administering by a trained physician…for approximately the cost of a visit to the doctor, PAT is now made affordable to most anybody suffering from acute and/or chronic pain.
Juvir is one of the marketing branches of its sister company, Marchan Medical. Separating marketing and sales affords Marchan Medical to stay focused on bringing other pain alleviation products like PAT to market.